Introduction to Matlab
The purpose of this intro is to show some of Matlab's basic capabilities.
Nir Gavish, 2.07
- Getting help
- Matlab development enviroment
- Variable definitions
- Mathematical operations
- Term by term operations
- More complicated vector definitions - the semicolon operator
- Vector functions and operators
- Matlab ("continuous") functions
- Plotting graphs
- Plotting multiple graphs together
- Examples of more sophisticated graphics
- Flow control
- Saving results
- Cleaning up
- More references on the web
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
Getting help
Matlab's documentation is % accesable by pressing F1 in Matlab or via the net at
In addition, for specific command type
help sin
SIN Sine of argument in radians. SIN(X) is the sine of the elements of X. See also ASIN, SIND. Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories) help darray/sin.m help sym/sin.m Reference page in Help browser doc sin
or for a graphical reference of the same help
doc sin
Matlab development enviroment
Matlab includes a full development enviroment which is composed of
- Command Window: A line mode interface window for entering Matlab commands and seeing Matlab's output. Note, we will usually write Matlab commands in scripts (see editor) and not trough the command window.
- Workspace: The inventory of all the variables we are using. See for more details. Also serves an interface to the array editor, see for more details.
- Editor: Editor for Matlab scripts (M-files) . To save & run the m-file type 'F5'. To open the editor with a new or old m-file use the command
edit mfileName
- Current Directory: A listing of the files in the current diretory. Doubleclick an m-file to open it in the editor.
See this movie for more features of Matlab's development enviroment
Variable definitions
Matlab variables are defined by assigment. There is no need to declare in advance the variables that we want to use or their type.
% Define the scalar variable x x=1 % Now a (row) vector y=[1 2 3] % and a column vector z=[1;2;3] % Finally, we define a 3x3 matrix A=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9] % List of the variables defined whos
x = 1 y = 1 2 3 z = 1 2 3 A = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Name Size Bytes Class Attributes A 3x3 72 double ans 1x59 118 char x 1x1 8 double y 1x3 24 double z 3x1 24 double
Mathematical operations
The basic mathematical operators of Matlab work with scalar, vector and matrices. Any combination works, as long as it is mathematically possible.
% Adding one to a scalar result1=x+1 % Multiply a vector by a scalar result_x_times_y=x*y % Vector multiplication, same in syntax as any other multiplication result_y_times_z=y*z % Notice that vector multiplication is not commutative result_z_times_y=z*y % More mathematical operators result=(x+1)/2-3*x^2
result1 = 2 result_x_times_y = 1 2 3 result_y_times_z = 14 result_z_times_y = 1 2 3 2 4 6 3 6 9 result = -2
Term by term operations
As noted, mathematical operators such as multiplication (*), division (/) or power (^) work between vectors or matrices. In many cases, however, we would like to preform element-wise operations between the two operands. For example, raise to the power of two each term of a matrix, as opposed to multiplying the matrix by itself. This is implemented by 'term by term operations' in Matlab - '.*', './', '.^'.
original_matrix=A % Here we use the classical power operator ^ - which multiplies the matrix by itself classical_power_operator=A^2 % Now we use the term-by-term power operator .^ (notice the dot) - which multiplies _each term_ of the matrix by itself term_by_term_power_operator=A.^2
original_matrix = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 classical_power_operator = 30 36 42 66 81 96 102 126 150 term_by_term_power_operator = 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81
More complicated vector definitions - the semicolon operator
Clearly, the definition of vectors by explicitly stating its terms is impractical for vectors with more than a few terms. A better approach is to use the semicolon (:) operator which defines a range of values. Notice that for long enough vector it is recommended to suppress the output to the command window by using ';' .
% Define vector [1 2 3 4 5] x=1:5 % Define spacing different than one x=1:0.125:5 % Suppress output x=1:0.125:5;
x = 1 2 3 4 5 x = Columns 1 through 8 1.0000 1.1250 1.2500 1.3750 1.5000 1.6250 1.7500 1.8750 Columns 9 through 16 2.0000 2.1250 2.2500 2.3750 2.5000 2.6250 2.7500 2.8750 Columns 17 through 24 3.0000 3.1250 3.2500 3.3750 3.5000 3.6250 3.7500 3.8750 Columns 25 through 32 4.0000 4.1250 4.2500 4.3750 4.5000 4.6250 4.7500 4.8750 Column 33 5.0000
Vector functions and operators
Here are some Matlab operations and functions defined for vectors. Notice that many of these functions can be implemented by a simple loop in our program. It is, however, significantly faster to use Matlab's vector function than to use loops in Matlab.
%The technique of converting a loop in a Matlab program to vector operations is called _'vectorization'_ and is fundamental in preformance improvement in Matlab. % Transpose of a vector\matrix y_transpose=y' % note that B' is Hermitian conjugate, and B.' is transpose B = [1 2 ; 2*i i] B' B.'
y_transpose = 1 2 3 B = 1.0000 2.0000 0 + 2.0000i 0 + 1.0000i ans = 1.0000 0 - 2.0000i 2.0000 0 - 1.0000i ans = 1.0000 0 + 2.0000i 2.0000 0 + 1.0000i
%Accessing a specific term of a vector (first term is indexed one, not zero) y2=y(2) % A partial list of vector functions % sum(y) = sum all the values of the vector y res_sum = sum(y) % prod(y) = multiply all the values of the vector y res_prod = prod(y) % diff(y) = [y(2)-y(1),y(3)-y(2), ..., y(n)-y(n-1)] res_diff = diff(y)
y2 = 2 res_sum = 6 res_prod = 6 res_diff = 1 1
Matlab ("continuous") functions
Numerically, we cannot represent a general continuous function (x,f(x)) because it requires handling infinite data (for each point in the range, we need to keep f(x)). Instead, we represent a function by its values at a finite number of data points (x_i,f(x_i)), where the series of points {x_i} is typically referred to as the sampling points or the grid points. Accordingly, the "continuous" functions in Matlab accepts a vector of point {x_i} and return a vector of values {f(x_i)}. We note that opposed to the numerical approach is the symbolic approach, which is the approach you know from all the basic math classes.
% define the grid {1,1.1,1.2...4.9,5} using the semicolon operator x=1:0.1:5; % f(x) = x^2/(4+x), notice the use of *term-by-term operators* f1 = x.^2./(4+x); % sqrt(x) = x^(1/2) f2 = sqrt(x + x.^3); % Note: MATLAB doesn't define the constant `e'. Use exp(1) to get e. f3 = exp(x); % Note: in MATLAB log() means ln() (i.e., log in base e). f4 = log(x+4); % `pi' is a matlab constant. Note: sin, cos , etc. are in radians (NOT in degrees!) f5 = cos(pi)*tan(x); % abs(x) := |x| f6 = abs(f5); % sign(x) gives -1 for x<0, 0 for x=0, and +1 for x>0 f7 = sign(f5);
Plotting graphs
Matlab is well-known for its plotting capabilites and for their simplicity of use. We now go over the most basic plot command and its features - plot(x,y) which plots the data points {x_i,f(x_i)}
% Define the grid and the "continuous" function sin x=0:0.01:2*pi; y=sin(x); % Plot the points (x,sin(x)) plot(x,y,'.');

As you see, the plot command displays a graph of (x,sin(x)) which looks continuous. However, a closer look at the data shows it is not really continuous.
The default command connects every two points, making the graph look continuous.
% Close the last graph to clean up the prior setting of double axes close all; % Plot using the default option plot(x,y);

In order to make sense and be useful, graphics can typically be zoomed, and should always have descriptions of the X-axis and Y-axis, and a title:
plot(x,y); % Set the axis boundaries. Note: The data should not touch the axis, therefore the y axis is set to be -1.05 to 1.05. axis([0 2*pi -1.05 1.05]) % Add a label for the x-axis xlabel('x'); % Add a label for the y-axis ylabel('sin(x)'); % Add a title for the y-axis title('sine function graphic')

Plotting multiple graphs together
Often we need to plot more than one function, for example - to compare the output of two processes or get an easy look at various measures at once. There are two ways to plot multiple functions:
- Adding graphs to an existing axes, so that in the same axes you get multiple plots. This is done by the 'hold' command.
- Adding a new axes are plotting the graph there. This is done by the 'subplot' command.
% add the cos graph to the exisiting plot % tell Matlab to hold the graph for the next plot hold % plot the additional graph, the additional parameter 'r' is for 'red' plot(x,cos(x),'r'); % add a legend for the two plots legend('sin(x)','cos(x)') % correct the title title('sin and cos graph')
Current plot held

We now split the page into several axes by the subplot command Its syntax is subplot(row_num,col_num,curr_plot)
% split the screen into 2 rows and 3 columns of axes, set the next plot to be at the first axes subplot(2,3,1); % plot a graph of x plot(x,x); % Now go to the second axes subplot(2,3,2); % plot a graph of x^2 plot(x,x.^2); % Next, plot a graph of sin in the fifth axes. Notice, all editing of the graph applies only to the current axes subplot(2,3,5); % plot a graph of sin(x) plot(x,y); % set axis axis([0 2*pi -1.05 1.05]) % Add a label for the x-axis xlabel('x'); % Add a label for the y-axis ylabel('sin(x)'); % Add a title title('a sinus graph')

Examples of more sophisticated graphics
The number of line codes needed to produces these graphs is no more than 10-20 lines.
cruller; logo;figure; spharm2;

Flow control
Here I just give examples for the most basic flow control commands. For more info see
Conditional control
a=4; if a==5 a=a+1 else a=3 end
a = 3
Loop Control
for ix=1:3 a=a+ix end
a = 4 a = 6 a = 9
Notice that I name the enumerator index 'ix' and not 'i' or 'j'. This is because 'i' and 'j' are the complex imaginary numbers, e.g.,
i_square = -1
Saving results
We can save all our results for future reference. Here we discuss three different objects:
- Command window output:
In this case, we can only save future output to the command window. The command
diary 'MyCommandWindow'
saves all output to command window into the .txt file 'MyCommandWindow' until this option is turned off by the command
diary off
- Variables:
The following commands save & load the entire workspace into the .mat file 'MyMatFile'
save 'MyMatFile' load 'MyMatFile'
To save a specific variable, use
save 'x.mat' x %
saving in ascii format:
x = (-1:0.4:1)' y = sin(x*pi) d = [x y] % double-column save 'my_sin.dat' -ascii -double d
x = -1.0000 -0.6000 -0.2000 0.2000 0.6000 1.0000 y = -0.0000 -0.9511 -0.5878 0.5878 0.9511 0.0000 d = -1.0000 -0.0000 -0.6000 -0.9511 -0.2000 -0.5878 0.2000 0.5878 0.6000 0.9511 1.0000 0.0000
- Graphs
The following commands save the current figure
% save as jpeg (not optimal for graphs, good compression) print -djpeg 'myPic.jpeg' % save as tiff (much better for graphs, more space) print -dtiff 'myPic.tif'

Cleaning up
Since memory is not erased at the begging and end of a script, it is a good habit to clean up before and after the script run.
% Close all plot windows close all; % Erase the command window (You can still see the last command in the 'command history' window) clc; % Clear all variables from the workspace. clear all;
More references on the web
Tutorials on Matlab's site:
Cleve's Moler (free online) book
Exercise 1
- Create a vector of the even whole numbers between 31 and 75.
- Create a vector x with the elements,
- Approximate the value of pi using the identity
Do this by taking the sum of only 100 terms using Matlab's 'sum' command. Use the Matlab constant 'pi' to calcuate the accuracy of your calculation.
- Let A=[8 1 6;3 5 7;4 9 2]. Calcuate the sum over the rows of A by multiplication of A by a appropriate vector.
- Let A=[8 1 6;3 5 7;4 9 2]. Calcuate the sum over the rows of A by using the command 'sum'.
Exercise 2
In this exercise you will write a program that calculates the factorials 1!, 2!, 3! ... 15! in three different ways
- Look for help on the command 'factorial' and write a program that calculates 1!, 2!, 3! ... 15!
- Write a program that calculates 1!, 2!, 3! ... 15! without using 'factorial'. Make the program efficient by calculating
- Vectorize the code by using the command 'cumprod' (look it up...).
Exercise 3
In this exercise you produce a graphical example of the accuary of a Taylor series
- Plot sin(x) in the domain [0,pi]
- Add a plot of the first term of its Taylor series (i.e, sinx=x+...). To distinguish between the graphs, use the line specification 'r--' for the Taylor series.
- Add a plot of the Taylor series with two terms (i.e, sin=x-x^3/6+...) and three terms. Use the line specification 'g:' and 'k.-', respectively.
- Make the graph readable by adding axis labels, adding a legend and setting the axis.
Exercise 4
The Legendre polynomials (Pn(x)) are defined by the following recurrance relation
- Compute the next three Legendre polynomials by implementing the recursive relation in Matlab and using vectorial operations only for x=-1:0.01:1.
- Plot all 5 over the interval [-1,1] (use x=-1:0.01:1).
- Make sure the graph is well presented
- Save them in ascii format, as a 201x6 matrix (six columns '[X Y1 Y2 ...]')
% That's it, let's clean up close all;clc;clear all;