Medvinsky Michael
Lecturer & Research Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
North Carolina State University

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MA242 Calculus III
MA341 Applied Differential Equations I
MA141 Calculus I
MA401 Applied Differential Equations II
MA405 Introduction to Linear Algebra
MA302 Numerical Applications to Differential Equations
MA241 Calculus II
Summer academic programs for international students in Math: Matlab


1311 Accelerated Eng. calculus I
1321 Accelerated Eng. calculus II
5610/6860 Introduction to Numerical Analysis I

Contact Information:

  m m e d v i n   a t   n c s u . e d u  

1 S. Scherzer, R. Blaier, M. Medvinsky, R. Nachmany, T. Scherzer,
Expediting seamless roaming in heterogeneous networking, WIPO Patent No.: WO/2008/073438, 06/19/2008
2 S. Scherzer, R. Blaier, M. Medvinsky, R. Nachmany, T. Scherzer,
Masking changes for seamless roaming in heterogeneous networking, WIPO Patent No.: WO/2008/073492, 06/19/2008
3 S Scherzer, T Scherzer, R Blaier, Y Lifchuk, M Medvinsky, Providing easy access to radio networks, US8000276 B2
1 M. Medvinsky, S. Tsynkov, E. Turkel,
Solution of Three-Dimensional Multiple Scattering Problems by the Method of Difference Potentials, Submitted to Wave Motions
2 M. Medvinsky, S. Tsynkov, E. Turkel,
Direct implementation of high order BGT artifficial boundary conditions , Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 376, 1 January 2019, Pages 98-128
3 J. Albright, Y. Epshteyn, M. Medvinsky, Q. Xiaa
High Order Solution to the Elliptic Interface Problems by Difference Potentials Method, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 111,2017, pp. 64-91.
4 M. Medvinsky, S. Tsynkov, E. Turkel,
Solving the Helmholtz Equation for General Geometry Using a High Order Compact Scheme, Wave Motions 62(55), 2016, pp. 75-97
5 Y. Epshteyn, M. Medvinsky,
On the Solution of the Elliptic Interface Problems by Difference Potentials Method, In Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2014 (pp. 197-205). Springer International Publishing..
6 M. Medvinsky,
High order numerical simulation of waves using regular grids and non-conforming interfaces, Ph.D. Dissertation Tel Aviv University, 2013.
7 M. Medvinsky, S. Tsynkov, E. Turkel,
High Order Numerical Simulation of the Transmission and Scattering of Waves Using the Method of Difference Potentials, Journal of Computational Physics, 243 (2013) pp. 305-322.
8 S. Britt, M. Medvinsky, S. Tsynkov, and E. Turkel,
High Order Numerical Simulation of the Transmission and Scattering of Waves Using the Method of Difference Potentials, , in: Proceedings of the International Conference "Difference Schemes and Applications" in honor of the 90-th Birthday of Prof. V. S. Ryaben'kii, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia, May 27--31, 2013, ISBN: 978-5-98354-010-1, pp.~33--34.
9 M. Medvinsky, S. Tsynkov, E. Turkel,
The Method of Difference Potentials for the Helmholtz Equation Using Compact High Order Schemes, Journal of Scientific Computing, 53, No. 1 (2012) pp. 150-193. This paper also has an erratum .
10 M. Medvinsky, E. Turkel,
On surface radiation conditions for an ellipse, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 234 (6) (2009) 1647-1655.
11 M. Medvinsky, E. Turkel, U. Hetmaniuk,
Local absorbing boundary conditions for elliptical shaped boundaries, J. Comput. Phys. 227 (18) (2008) 8254-8267.
12 M. Medvinsky,
Comparison of local absorbing radiation conditions for scattering about elliptical body, Master's thesis Tel Aviv University, 2007.


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Absorbing Boundary Conditions
Calderon�s potentials
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Compact Finite Difference Schemes
Virtual WiFi, Microsoft Reseach Project
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